Tuesday, March 31, 2015

Librarians Being Awesome

Love these old pics of libraries and librarians!  This one is
from 1896.  This site shows what it calls "25 Photos of
Librarians Being Awesome".  Times have changed, but 
libraries are still so valuable.  We just offer information in
some different formats now.  Librarians, well, maybe we
don't exactly look this way anymore, but still the most 
valuable resource in the library!

Wednesday, March 18, 2015

Sharing Resources

There are so many great resources out there!  Teachers  could spend all of  their time scouring the internet searching for resources to help them do their jobs.  I have to admit, this is a hobby of mine. I love my LiveBinder, where I can save the many great resources I find.  What a difference this is than when I began teaching in 1990 and had file folders with copies of  "stuff".  My LiveBinder contains my treasure trove of "stuff".

 Library Mania

Tuesday, March 10, 2015

Intellectual Freedom and Censorship

            The primary purpose of the school library is to provide access to information for its students through various media that represent a wide range of ideas and information.  Choosing which media to include in a library’s collection is the job of the school librarian.  Librarians must select age appropriate books based on subject, reading ability, and emotional and social development. Librarians need to be educated to handle their professional and legal responsibilities to protect the intellectual freedom and First Amendment rights of students and young adults.  They must be trained to ensure that students have free access to information and that the selection process for materials abides by the law.  It is not the responsibility of the school librarian to substitute their personal judgment for the readers’ or to impose their own beliefs on students.

The Library Bill of Rights (by the ALA) states that “material should not be excluded because of origin, background, or views of those contributing to their origin”.  It also claims that “libraries should provide materials and information presenting all points of view on current and historical issues…materials should not be proscribed or removed because of partisan or doctrinal disapproval”.  Another right stated in the bill is that “libraries should challenge censorship in the fulfillment of their responsibility to provide information and enlightenment”.  The ALA claims that students have a “measure” of First Amendment rights and that the governments cannot censor materials unless they are “obscene, contain child pornography, or are harmful to minors”.  Censorship is defined by the ALA as “the suppression of ideas and information that certain persons…find objectionable or dangerous”. 

Sunday, March 8, 2015

Evaluating Information

        In today's school library, we teach research skills.  But, these skills have certainly changed over the years.  Gone are the days of teaching how to look up a topic in the print encyclopedia and the old fashioned card catalog.  Now, we must teach 21st century literacy skills.  These involve instructing students to use internet resources to find research information.  However, this opens a whole new can of worms....evaluating the trustworthiness of internet websites.
        There a great number of 'spoof' websites out there.  They look legit at first, and to a young student, of course if it's on the internet, it must be true.  These are good for a laugh and even better to teach our students to evaluate sources for reliability, trustworthiness, and purpose.  Direct instruction of these skills is essential!  Just a few of my favs:

  1. Dog Island

  2.                                Image result for spoof websites